yes, i have one. i think every business should. what is a mission statement you ask?
it’s a statement that defines any entity’s reason for existence. it’s simple, and it should be.
you’ve read this once already, here, but i will officially put it here as well…
i want to give each of you the very best, most memorable, make you cry and laugh and never forget the day experience that i can in a way that is unique to you and no one else which yields photographs that represent your story and that last a lifetime, simply and artistically.
this is what drives my passion and my studio.
on top of that, here are a few extra belief’s i have about my business…
i believe…
that i would not have this business without you
in exceeding your expectations
in giving you every reason to be happy you’re here
the smallest gestures make the biggest impressions
in mutual respect
in being a good listener
a strong technical foundation
a strong business foundation
in having integrity
hard work is good for the soul
that everyone is beautiful and it’s my privilege to capture it
in the old masters. they have much to teach us in this trendy world
classic is always best
perfection is overrated
in trusting my intuition
in expanding and evolving
in quality over quantity
in giving back
in being grateful
in being real

thank you for being here.

by gina weathersby
Carrie Schmitt - I love all of these. Believing in the old masters and classic is best really resonated with me!
jess@studio3z - beautiful. you + your statement.
Thea - YES is all that resounded in my mind over an over as I read this. You rock girl!
shannon sewell - adore this… i love that you’ve put it in writing and share. beautifully written & executed 🙂