hello. is anyone out there? i promise i haven’t packed up for good. true, i have been absent from this blog for a while…ok, pretty much all year. there was a good reason, i promise. i’ve posted about being…over there, in case you missed it or, in case you never even read it because there was really no reason to come back for a visit to a blog when nothing was going on. that makes me so sad. i love what this little blog represented for the past 4 years. my place to share images of your sessions, stories, creative outings, all kinds of visual goodies that i’ve come across. a place where i have met other wonderful creatives, starting from a simple comment. a place where i have put my self out there doing what i love, taking risks, coloring outside the lines, and sharing it all along the way. this doesn’t happen overnight. but, it can surely be lost in short order.
when i chose to go on this ‘other’ journey, i don’t think i realized that it would effect my portrait business as much as it did. and, it did. big time. 513eats took ALL of my time. what was left over, went to my family. i referred more sessions out to other photographers this past year than i care to count. i did take a few throughout the year, squeezing them in, but i haven’t even shared those, yet. i was lucky enough to have a couple lovely, and very patient people wait out and sneek in a couple sessions in the beginning of december. one of them was of miss zoe, who i ‘ve had the privilege of photographing since she was one. children. hands down, my favorite. her quick little session, in particular, churned up some heavy emotions of how much i miss this and had me trying to figure out how to run both parts of my businesses and keep my sanity. well, i think i have a solution. as i move forward this new year with 513{eats} and all it’s growing components, most of my time will still be spent there, but with more help leaving me more pockets of time to preplan some special portrait sessions. this is actually something i’ve wanted to do in my business for a couple of years now, but was too much of a sagittarius to do it. ha! translation, i like my freedom and not too many plans pinned down too far in advance;) well, i think i can stretch a bit and still remain true to my nature;) in fact, i’m embracing the concept. the first one will be happening sooner than later. i will share the details shortly. i am very, very excited about this.
i love my kiwi street kids

here are a couple more of zoe from the first (of many more to come) mini sessions.

2013, i can tell i’m going to love you.
cheers and happy new year!
gina xo

by gina weathersby
Natalie - Oh my goodness I love scrunchy nose kids!