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Category Archives: portraits

sunflowers {not}

all summer i’ve been looking forward to a family session that was to include a garden of sunflowers and children. ‘all summer’ i’ve been so excited about this session. in my mind i saw theee day, theee little faces peeping out from the the sunflowers, heard theee laughter, saw theee finished images….i couldn’t wait! then…a […]

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August 10, 2009 - 10:27 am

jess@studio3z - Oh my goodness…just posted a sunflower shot on my blog and then saw yours….dang it! that really stinks. 🙁 next year, it will be GRAND.

August 10, 2009 - 4:27 pm

Nat - I love the picture anyway! But he’s missing his frowning wife!

deanna {be beautiful}

a little while back i gave a peak of deanna’s session. tom(the other half) and deanna are dear friends of ours, actually,  they’re more like family, you know what i mean. so while deanna was in town visiting, we fit in a session all for her. a be beautiful session. i especially love doing these […]

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August 9, 2009 - 11:57 pm

deanna - you are very talented as a lifestyle photographer and excellent at telling a story about every photo…it is so obvious you are truly doing what you love, it shows in every photograph
thank you so much for a fun day with no worries!
xoxoxo Deanna

52 {strangers}

i know that i should be working on all the things that i need to be working on and getting out…. but isn’t life all about stopping when something really good is given to you?  no matter what ‘has’ to be done? i haven’t visited this self imposed project for…yeah, quite some time now. why […]

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August 16, 2010 - 1:04 pm

Deborah Carr - He has such a peaceful face. I’m so glad he ‘nudged’ you and that you shared a bit of him with us.

mia {what’s up}

i’m not sure if it was the beach, the warm sun, sand, the lingering days and nights with family and friends, but i do know one thing for sure… i miss all of it! and…i have been a mia blogger lately. but i promise it will be worth it! i have soooo much new goodness […]

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