a few months back i was asked to be a part of a collaboration that was started by lexi vornberg from lemonade and lenses. it involved one crown (that traveled across the country), 15 photographers and our imaginations. the final images have been put together in a booklet and i am so honored to have been a part of it.
the august collaboration
the gorgeous crown is by if the crown fits

i immediately knew who i wanted to wear this crown and a loose idea of how i wanted to style the shoot. i could see the finished images, his locks, his eyes, the crown…yes, i said his. a boy. i didn’t even consider a girl. lou was the perfect subject for this project.
what i never considered was that he might not wear it. after a lot of bribing and pleading ~ lou was not going to have any part in wearing a ‘girl’s crown’ ~ his mamma and i let it go. i can honestly say we tried. as we walked to the parking lot, we both noticed a great textured wall with some graffiti on it. lou thought it was pretty neat too.
he came to the shoot dressed pretty hip to begin with and sporting a cool hat that he regularly wears. i wanted to photograph him and if the only way was without the crown, then so be it. we started out slow and he asked to see the images. he approved and asked that when i send them over, he would like to see them in b/w. my kinda kid!
his mom and i looked at each other and knew we were going to try for the crown, one more time.
so, in the far back corner of a parking lot, away from anyone who could ‘see,’ lou allowed me to snap a few, and i mean only a few, quickly. even though he did not wear the wardrobe that was intended, or use the props intended or even the location initially intended, i love the few images i made of him. a real boy, in his real clothes, in modern times, a prince.
thank you lou for being…perfect little you. above is my favorite from the few that i got that afternoon. the poem was unfortunately left off in the issue’s spread. i think it is perfect.
here is lou without his fancy, gold, crocheted crown, but with his everyday, favorite crown.

to see the whole issue with everyone’s creative take, click on the link below

by gina weathersby