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max, chase & caroline {family session}

as soon as i walked up to the front door to meet with this family and saw
caroline’s little face, pouty lips and that smile, i knew immediately that i was going to love this session.
chase and his happy sweet little face was close by…caroline and chase, 18 month old twins,
checking out the lady who just came to their house.
caroline let me pick her up when we toured the house for a look-see.
there were so many beautiful images of max already gracing the walls of this beautiful home
and now it was caroline’s and chase’s turn.
i met 4 yr old max the day of our session and he was happy enough to show me what he was doing on the computer.
we talked a bit and then i asked him if he knew why i was there. he said to take pictures. i asked if that was ok?
he said yes.
lucky for me.

we started out upstairs. i had some loose ideas from my earlier visit,
but, as often happens, my little subjects have their own agendas.
part of their plan was to not face where the light was coming from. so, i had to pump up the iso and move fast.
i totally roll with it. it is after all about them, right here, right now.
this session is a great example of just following and capturing what is happening.
i love this approach, very day in a life and real.

{i might have a lot of images posted}

i had some ideas here too…

but…let’s go outside, instead.

i never ever promise the perfect family shot…i do give it a try, believe me, but i much prefer to let
families hang out with each other and have fun rather than line everyone up. that’s just me.
i love the results.

barb wanted to use an image of all three children for her holiday cards.
it was so fun (for me) to stand back and watch mom, dad and grandmom try to keep the
three of them in one place at one time!

i love all their little faces.

max is a sweet sweet big brother and those blue eyes!

chase and his little man hat.

a little friend passed by on the other side of the fence.
i couldn’t get enough of caroline’s little self trying so hard to look through the slats.
{i almost took her home with me}

thank you barb for asking me to document this place and time in your children’s lives.
it was truly my pleasure.

March 29, 2010 - 6:11 pm

Pascale - So incredibly sweet! I adore the pouty little lips and all the different REAL expressions you were able to capture by just going with the flow. Fantastic job as always, Gina.

52 strangers {street portraits}

although this post is a continuation of this one, it just happened to turn out a little…lighter.
no doubt the fresh smell of spring and warm sunshine had something to do with it.
this afternoon was spent with my friend steve walking and talking and visiting with people
we knew and people we just met. it was more than wonderful.

steve and i had a good conversation about not writing anything about these images.
to simply allow each person viewing to make their own conclusions.
but, i can’t help not saying something about the third and fourth images below.
as soon as i saw the image, i thought it…and on the second, i added it.
did i need to? does it take away from the image? i’m wondering.
i try to see, in everyone i meet…no matter what the circumstances,
the thing we all have inside us. love and light.

please meet josephine
{trying to hold back}

letting go
{with and without words}



michael overheard steve and i talking about the city gospel mission.
he came over and told me how he had nothing, knew no one and was homeless when
moving to cincinnati about 2 years ago and how they (the city gospel mission) saved his life. how they helped
him get to where he is today, working and self sufficient. he was overjoyed to share this.

March 23, 2010 - 8:46 am

Peggy - Gina you have brought a sense of joy and excitement to the eyes of these amazing people. Your comfort and ability to reach your subject is quite evident in this series. I can’t wait to see the exhibit! It will be mind blowing. Just beautiful g.

March 26, 2010 - 9:08 am

Gail - This is SUCH a cool project you’re doing! LOVE IT!

April 5, 2010 - 12:15 pm

.kat. - I am SO glad I stumbled upon your blog!
I have been wanting to start my own 52
Strangers project for awhile and after
having visited here, I am even more
compelled, inspired to do so. You have
truly captured the individuality and the
spirit of each person. Wonderful work!

August 16, 2010 - 1:03 pm

Deborah Carr - Gina…you are truly a special person. Your portraits are so heartfelt and true. You have given these people such a gift.

June 1, 2011 - 12:44 pm

Cristie - I love this…But, I have to say. About not writing anything, I really like to hear their stories ๐Ÿ™‚ It makes me feel a little closer ๐Ÿ™‚

spring birthday girl {gabriella}

14 years and 364 days ago, while driving in the car, alex said…tomorrow is the first day of spring,
and that’s when all the baby animals are born, so our baby will be born too.
i explained that ‘our baby’ still had 2 weeks or so to go…so, probably not.
on the very next day, the first day of spring, ‘our baby’ was {of course} born.
maria gabriella
that sweet faced, good natured, gentle, happy, forever smiling gabriella is
15 today and is still the same sweet, gentle, happy, funny, loving, beautiful girl.
i could not imagine our lives without her light.

we went to the studio to just play with the amazing light and a pretty pink dress.
i hadn’t intended to use these as her birthday images, but the light, the softness, the sweetness and the beauty
resonate perfectly with my gabriella.

maria gabriella

happy birthday to my sweet baby.

March 20, 2010 - 10:00 am

Julie - O.M.G. WOW. Your girls get more gorgeous every say (which seems impossible, since they couldn’t possibly get more gorgeous…they are at the peak of gorgeousness!!!!).

Happy Birthday, Gabriella!!!!!
Those pictures are BREATHTAKING!

Man…you have some amazing genes, woman……..:)

March 20, 2010 - 2:23 pm

Karen, FL - She’s. So. Beautiful!

Happy Birthday to your lovely Gabriella!

March 21, 2010 - 7:54 pm

Rachael - She is beautiful. I love all these pictures.

March 22, 2010 - 6:19 am

Natalie - Love them! What a special treat!

March 23, 2010 - 8:43 am

Peggy - Oh my what stunning images. I love the veiled and the mirror images. Happy Birthday Gabby!! You grow more beautiful everyday!! Absolutely breathtaking vision from both of you Gina and Gabby. Gabby you are so generous with with your Mom allowing for such incredible images. Thanks for sharing both of your talents!!

March 26, 2010 - 7:59 pm

maureen - gabriella and seen through the eyes of her loving mom. What a vision of joy..

September 28, 2010 - 6:38 pm

Deborah Carr - These are so beautiful and moving. What must it be like to see your own daughter through the lens and for a daughter to see herself through her mother’s eyes?

street portraits {a gallery opening and benefit}

if you follow my blog, then you’ll know what this is about.
if you’re new to my blog, i encourage you to go here, read and look.

may i introduce you to ronald aka einstein.
{image by steve ziegelmeyer}

i hope you can join us.

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March 16, 2010 - 7:33 pm

Karen, Florida - Gina, this is a wonderful thing you are doing. I admire you.