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365 days of grateful {january}

i, like most, was excited about this new year, the new number…
twenty ten…the new possibilities,
the new clean slate.
even though this year certainly did not start off as i dreamed, it has not stopped
me from starting a few new projects that i have wanted to do since last year.
this one in particular has gained a bit more significance for me now…
it is a grateful project.

there are many ways to go about this. one can keep a journal, draw, cook,
or in my case, take a picture…more specifically, a picture everyday for 365 days. something right in front of you,
in your world that you may have taken for granted in the past. something that when you look at brings you joy,
makes you feel feelings of gratefulness.
this project is not meant to be fancy or for show or for competition. this is purely for me (or you).
once i told my own family what i was doing, they wanted to do their own as well (happiness)
and so are my brother’s and sister’s families.
really, what a wonderful family project. how cool to see what each others ‘gratefuls’ are.

i am discovering that this little exercise is turning certain thoughts of mine right side up. that is a very good thing.
i’m also being gently reminded everyday that i really, truly and honestly have everything i need,
everything that is important to me
right here…in front of me,
much of which has no price tag but is nevertheless priceless.
things to be grateful for are all around us, just waiting to be noticed. and when you really really start seeing,
you feel such pure, simple joy.
what a beautiful thing.

i want to share mine maybe monthly, maybe from time to time. this is my first.

will you join me in starting your very own 365 days of gratefulness?

February 17, 2010 - 5:47 am

Ilene Ross - I too love those little hands making gnocchi and all of the things that spring forth from them…the delicious gnocchi, the time spent with good friends, the smiles, the laughter, and the memories. Most of all, looking at all of your beautiful ‘gratefuls’ in the quiet early morning, remembering yet again, and smiling. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for sharing.

February 18, 2010 - 7:25 pm

Deborah Carr - Is there anything as warmhearted and comforting as a rumpled bed? I confess…when my husband is away, I never make the bed…for some reason, it feels warmer, friendlier to snuggle into the wrinkles and rolls. I think I feel less alone that way.

spending lots of time with {gabriella}

sometimes, in life, things just ‘happen’…out of the blue.
actually, if you think about it, it’s really how it all happens;
i.e. the things you don’t plan for or think about until it happens. then it’s here.
i have been a little absent from many things, my blog being one, for the past 4 weeks or so.
my girl, gabriella, has had some medical issues that… just happened, out of the blue,ย  just like that…here.
we’ve been in and out of doctors offices, testing centers, hospitals.
the THANK YOU GOD news is that it doesn’t appear to be
any of the things we as parents fear hearing. the other news is that we still don’t have too many answers just yet.
we’re on a path, a good one i pray. in the meantime, much of my time has been spent looking at, watching over,
talking to, driving with, sitting with and thinking about my sweet faced happiest girl in the world gabriella.

i have many sessions to post, a couple to finish up and lot’s of other studio news to share.
it’s all in queue. waiting. as i am waiting too.
i apologize for letting so much time go before this post, but i hope you understand too.

gabriella with dr. brown…the first of many dr visits this past month.


February 15, 2010 - 6:25 am

Ilene Ross - We LOVE our Dr. Brown!!!!! So sorry if she’s not your pediatrician.

February 15, 2010 - 8:08 pm

April - rooting for you, girls.

strangers {not so much}

this is a different kind of post…
one that i hope will strike some strong emotion and perhaps action on anyone’s behalf.
this is not meant to sensationalize or elicit the standard pity, but instead, stir a knowing deep inside
that we are all one and are here to help each other in any, i mean any, big or small way possible.
i started this blog with a few self imposed projects. 52 strangers was one. the key being ‘strangers’ but
before photographing them, some kind of connection had to be made. sounds easy enough, right?
the truth is it’s been most difficult. not so much when you’re at a party, or the market, or the school line.
but what about people that are not in your comfort zone. people who we don’t really give a second look?
try it sometime. what would you say? would you really want to hear what they have to say?
steve, a friend of mine with an enduring social conscience and uber good soul is working on a project of sorts about
‘his’ strangers. his street people in his city.
he shared his images and story a week or so ago on facebook. there’s no way anyone could look at those images
or in the eyes of those people and not be touched in some way. strong and striking images.
no, this is not new. yes, we have seen them. yes, we know it shouldn’t be. maybe we think it’s their fault too.
maybe we think they should be trying harder, doing more than they are. for surely if they were, they wouldn’t
be in that situation. or…better yet, it’s completely their fault because of drugs, alcohol, whatever.
are they less of a human being because they’ve not been given the same opportunities as others?
or, by not being born into a loving and capable family?
or being stepped on every step of the way?
ever have a bad day? how did you feel? imagine every day of your life being a bad day and having no one
to hold you or console you and take care of you. how do you think you’d feel after a week, a month, a year?

steve invited me to go with him this week to meet and photograph some of the people he has recently met
and photographed. not all were homeless, but all live on the street full or part time.
i have to admit, these places are not places i would ever go alone and even with steve, i was a little nervous.
but i gained so much by standing inside a very different kind of home than my own.
my heart is a little softer and my eyes are a little wider and i met some very interesting people
and one very deeply hurt person.
steve’s hope, and now mine, is to raise awareness and in turn hope and help for the people
we share our city with.

strangers, but not so much after you have met them.
please meet tonka.

tonka’s front door.

front row seating of the river’s view.

please meet sgt.

sgt lost his 5 children and wife in a car accident while in iraq.
after 3 tours and that, he wasn’t considered sane enough to remain in service.
he came home to nothing. he’s 27.

please meet phil.
he’s waiting for a possible construction job and wants his family to know he’s ok.

and just trying to keep warm in the meantime.

thank you for stopping for a moment to read and look and hopefully think.
thank you steve for sharing with me.
more to follow for sure.

January 27, 2010 - 7:45 am

ilene - Wow.

January 27, 2010 - 8:20 am

Rachael - These are amazing photos.

January 27, 2010 - 8:37 am

tina - double wow!

January 27, 2010 - 8:43 am

Nat - I have goosebumps! Beautiful pictures, beautiful souls…

January 28, 2010 - 2:48 pm

Jen - Gina your photos communicate such depth – thank you for sharing these!

January 29, 2010 - 3:14 pm

Ms P - These are incredibly powerful and profound images G. Wow. Sensitive and imaginative. An insightful and visual short story.
Stunningly beautiful.

January 30, 2010 - 9:51 pm

Deborah Carr - Wow. You’ve captured your subjects with such eloquence. I keep going back and looking again. Very powerful. This is a beautiful project you are doing. There are hidden stories all around us, aren’t there – and people who just want to be seen, recognized, acknowledged.

I’m adding a link to my blog so I can visit again and see who else you find in your travels.

(a fellow unraveller)

muddy paw photography {my girl}

first, i am a mother.
proud of all three of my daughters for each of their accomplishments, everyday.
lexi {alexandra} you may remember her from here and here, is a third year geology major with her eyes
already on graduate school. being the creative type, i can’t take credit for the science side of my daughter, but
how happy i am that she shares a love and a natural ability in the area of the visual arts as well!
graphic, interior, cooking and more specifically, photography.
throw in an additional love and innate understanding of animals, and
muddy paw photography is born.

i can’t tell you how i’m loving the multiple phone calls a day asking me questions (can you believe!)
about this and that, the industry, my opinions, how she’s having lunch with a fellow photographer and so excited…
the best one yet…may i use your studio? well, sweetie, it’s officially our studio. love this!
so, as much as i have enjoyed photographing your dogs, horses, cats…i am happily relinquishing all inquiries of that sort to

so this is what it’s like to have two shooters and one taking pictures of the other ‘working it!’
alexandra, you’re so darn cute!


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January 16, 2010 - 11:28 am

Nat - Wow…Alex, what a great job you are doing! We love all the pictures! Gigi…you should be proud!

January 16, 2010 - 11:53 am

jess@studio3z - WOW!!! how cool to have your girl in the biz! so fun. Congrats to you Lexi!

January 17, 2010 - 2:15 pm

Lexi - Haha, I like how, my dog, is trying to run away from me, prob. to go see if Marley left any more treats.

January 17, 2010 - 9:57 pm

Rama Desai - FANTASTIC!! So looking forward to future posts from muddy paw. ๐Ÿ™‚

February 8, 2010 - 7:22 pm

Ilene - We love our Muddy Paw pre ‘view’s and can’t wait to get our pictures. Most of all we loved spending the afternoon with your girl!